April 19, 2023

Wait, WHAT? Sen Mastriano on Holocaust Rememberance Day

Yes, yes, we've all read about the Fox/Dominion settlement.

Fox lied on air about the 2020 election and now they have to pay.

Fox lied about more than Dominion. Will there be more lawsuits? 

How many more lied about Trump's loss? Will they have to pay, too!

Looking forward to all that.

In the meantime, did you happen to catch this on St Sen Doug Mastriano's FB page?

It was only a short period of time before some brave soul on Facebook (and that would be me) to point to this stubborn fact about Doug Mastriano:

Doug Mastriano, the Republican gubernatorial nominee in Pennsylvania, is facing bipartisan criticism for his ties to Gab, a far-right social media platform, and its founder Andrew Torba, over the rife antisemitic commentary that exists on the site.  


Mastriano has had a formal relationship with Torba and Gab since at least April, when Mastriano’s campaign paid Gab $5,000 for “consulting” services, according to state records first published by Media Matters for America, a left-leaning watchdog organization that has documented the relationship between Mastriano and Torba.

Gab, founded in 2016, brands itself as the “free speech social network” and has grown in popularity with conservatives, alt-right figures and some extremists as a counter to more traditional social media spaces such as Twitter and Facebook. The site’s lax approach to content management has made it a haven for QAnon conspiracy theories, misinformation and antisemitic commentary. 

Does he think that the people of Pennsylvania don't remember that?

Then there's this:

It is not entirely clear what Mastriano received for his $5,000 payment to Gab. His campaign reported it as an expenditure for “consulting services,” though one media outlet reported that after the payment, Gab automatically enlisted new members as followers of Mastriano’s own account.

And even as he professed to have sundered ties with the site, Mastriano accepted a $500 campaign contribution from Torba — a gift that campaign finance records reflect no effort to return.

The Lincoln Project summed it up:

So yea, Doug Mastriano on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
