September 1, 2023

Wendy Bell - WHAT Is She Thinking?

Let's start here with my good friends at Wegner's Groceries:

WB: Ruby Freeman was complicit via video evidence of counting ballots with no election supervision for hours. And it just so happened that after those hours of tabulated those ballots, no matter how much they want to normalize, "We keep suitcases of completed ballots under this table every election. That wasn't a USB drive. Those were breath mints."

Is Wendy Bell not aware that there were Republican poll watchers there that night?

There were:

Central to claims of fraud is the insinuation that poll watchers, especially Republicans, were not allowed to watch the processing of ballots. This is not true; poll watchers were able to enter and monitor the facility at any hour.
And yet Wendy says that Ruby Freeman was counting ballots "with no election supervision for hours."

Something that Wendy Bell gets completely wrong.

Here's another. It's a big one.

Teams of investigators from the FBI, GBI, and Georgia SOS conducted independent and simultaneous interviews of Fulton County employees who were involved in the processing and scanning of absentee ballots at State Farm Arena on election night in November 2020. All employees interviewed provided a consistent account regarding how absentee ballots were processed and scanned that evening. Additionally, no one had any knowledge of observers, poll watchers, or the media being told they had to leave. Two poll watchers who identified themselves as members of the Georgia Republican Party had submitted affidavits as to what they observed on election night. Much of what they reported was consistent with what was reported by the Fulton County elections employees. Additionally, the Fulton County elections
employees’ accounts were consistent with the actions observed on the video surveillance footage. Both poll watchers confirmed that no one was told or instructed to leave State Farm Arena.

Furthermore, Investigators from three law enforcement agencies reviewed the entire unedited video footage of the events in question surrounding Freeman and Moss at State Farm Arena. There was no evidence of any type of fraud as alleged. Fulton County Board of Elections and Registration put specific processes in place to store ballot boxes underneath tables and to have them in a certain order to monitor and track ballots during the tabulation process so election workers would know where to begin the next day. No evidence was provided to show that Freeman or Moss deviated from that established process. The initial tabulation, the statewide audit involving a manual hand count of every ballot, and the machine recount reveal there was no evidence to suggest fraudulent ballots were scanned and counted in the final tabulated results for the November 2020 General Election in Fulton County.

Lastly, the FBI identified and interviewed the true creator of the Instagram account that reportedly contained a post by Freeman admitting she conspired to adversely affect the November 2020 election. The account creator admitted he created the fake account and confirmed the content that was posted on the account was fake.

All allegations made against Freeman and Moss were unsubstantiated and found to have no merit. [Emphasis added.]

The Georgia Secretary of State's office reported this on March 7, 2023 - almost 6 months ago. There's also the names of the Republican poll watchers in there, Wendy.

Finally, there's this about the USB drives:

The stark warning was entirely appropriate, and prescient. In addition to the examples Sterling identified, President Trump and his team were also fixated on Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss. He and Giuliani mentioned Freeman repeatedly in meetings with State legislators, at public rallies, and in the January 2nd call with Raffensperger. Referring to a video clip, Giuliani even accused Freeman and Moss of trading USB drives to affect votes “as if they [were] vials of heroin or cocaine.” This was completely bogus: it was not a USB drive; it was a ginger mint.

Page 44 of the report issued by The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, December 22, 2022.

2 Questions, Wendy:

  • Aren't you a little late with all this? The facts (and facts are stubborn things, y'know) have been out there for months and you're still getting them wrong.
  • Aren't you now a little afraid that you (and yer lil buddy Brock, of course) are going to be sued for defamation?