July 12, 2024

An Open Letter To Leaders Of The Democratic Party

Dear Dem Leaders;

I am not a member of the party, though I have recently donated money to it.

I was a member but that was more than a decade ago. I left the party in, I believe, 2010.

All that being said, I realize that my one voice probably doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. I'd like to think, though it may just be wishful thinking, that my feelings in this matter may be independently shared by many of us on the non-politically connected left.

I am writing, of course, on the current tension in the party over Joe Biden's candidacy for presidency.

For god's sake, resolve this matter. 


I am a big fan of President Biden. I think he's done a great job as president, cleaning up the mess of the twice impeached Trump.

I also watched, in horror, his performance at that first debate.  At the very least Joe had a bad bad superbad night. It was so bad it pulled all the pundits' attention away from Trump's near complete dishonesty that night.

To paraphrase Mary McCarthy on Lillian Hellman: Every word he said was a lie, including "and" and "the."

As I am not a member of the party, I will not push for any particular resolution in this matter, only implore you to resolve it - either way. Resolve this.

Here's why:

Every Democrat in every speech should be pointing out at least these three things;

  • He has 34 Felony Convictions
  • He owes half a billion in fines for real estate fraud and for defaming a woman he sexually assaulted
  • He brags about ending Roe v. Wade

Any day a democrat can not point these things (because he or she has to answer a question about Joe Biden) is an opportunity lost.

Our form of democracy is on the line.  One way or another, resolve this fucking thing.