Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 22, 2024


And some Pennsylvania endorsements:

Governor Josh Shapiro:

Senator Bob Casey:

“With women’s rights, workers’ rights, and voting rights on the line, the stakes of this election for Pennsylvania and the Nation couldn’t be higher,” said Casey. “Vice President Harris has been leading on those fights and as a former prosecutor, she will draw a clear contrast between herself and former President Trump. She is prepared to be Commander-in-Chief and is the best person to meet this moment. I’m proud to endorse her candidacy for President.

Representative Summer Lee:

Mayor Ed Gainey:

I know the list is incomplete. I know the list will grow over time.

Some things for all of us to remember:

  • 34 Felony convictions
  • Half a billion in fines for real estate fraud and for defaming a woman he sexually abused
  • Bragged about overturning Roe v Wade

Rinse, later and repeat.