Democracy Has Prevailed.

August 12, 2024

Dave McCormick Is Lying About...Dave McCormick

 I caught this ad on the TEEVEE yesterday:

And here's how the Connecticut resident starts:

At Westpoint we had a code: Cadets don't lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do. 

Bob Casey is lying about me and I won't tolerate it. I never made any investments in the makers of illegal fentanyl. Ever.

Did you catch the weasel word?  I'll reprint that last part to emphasize it:

I never made any investments in the makers of illegal fentanyl. [Emphasis added.]

See it now?  By adding the modifier, Dave has given away the game. He just hopes you won't notice.

And this is what I mean: By saying he never invested in the makers of illegal fentanyl, he's all but admitting he invested in the makers of legal fentanyl.

Now let's go take a look at what Dave's complaining about. In the tweet (are they still called tweets??) linked there's this text from the Casey campaign:

In 2021, we lost over 4,000 Pennsylvanians to fentanyl. 

That same year, my opponent invested in China’s main producer of fentanyl.

 Over at The Keystone, Sean Kitchen had the receipts:

However, federal tax forms show that Bridgewater Associates invested in China’s largest fentanyl producer, Humanwell Healthcare, when McCormick served as CEO of Bridgewater Associates.

In 2021, seven Bridgewater Associates hedge funds held close to $1.7 million in stock in Humanwell Healthcare, which is traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. 

A 2022 Rand Corporation report on comparing the production of opiates stated that Humanwell Healthcare produces 90% of China’s fentanyl. 

So the hedge fund did invest in China's main producer of fentanyl, right?

So Dave McCormick is lying by saying that Casey accused him of investing in illegal producers of fentanyl, right?

So what about that cadet code, Dave?

And how about applying the code to the guy you're supporting for president. Donald Trump owes nearly a half billion in fines for committing real estate fraud and for defaming a woman he sexually assaulted.

Note to Dave: "Fraud" is cheating and "defamation" is lying. And do I need to explain the sexual assault part?