Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 6, 2024


Check this aht.

That's the first blog post at this here blog.

Check aht the date:

September 6, 2004.

Twenty years ago today

This blog is officially twenty years old.

As such, I'd like to wish the OPJ a happy bloggerversary.

And for those of you who don't know the genesis story of this blog, I'll do my best to tell you what I remember.

It was early 2004 and I was, as they say, between jobs.  I'd met Maria a few months before - we were both volunteers with the local Howard Dean folks.  Anyway, there's only so many resumes you can send out a day when you're unemployed and so I had a lot of time on my hands and so I spent way too much of it watching TV. Enough said.

On local cable (PCNC, to be precise) there was a morning program called "Honsberger Live!" It was an hour long program hosted by the late Fred Honsberger, he of KDKA radio in the afternoons.  The program ran from 10am to 11am and Fred was a local version of Rush Limbaugh - right wing talk show host.

Maria and I had been emailing back and forth and she let me know that she was the "Maria" who called in frequently to Fred's show.  I figured that as I had the time and a phone, I'd do the same.

Our first blog "Honzman is a liar" was born out of fact checking Fred Honsberger.

It lasted through that summer and Maria started this blog as she wanted to write about something other than what Fred was spinning.  So early September, 2004 she set up this blog and started writing on more general, national topics. 

My first blog post here was on Sept 9. More on that in a few days.

Happy Bloggerversary!!