July 25, 2005

Santorum is NOT a Presidential Candidate

At the tail end of today's on-line chat, something hugely quiet (quietly huge??) occurred. Take a look:
Harrisburg, Pa.: How come every politican acts coyly and says they are not going to run for President when everyone knows they'd like to? Why doesn't someone admit: yes, I aspire to the highest office of my profession, I have dedicated my career to preparing myself for the position, and I will be truthful, yes, I'd like to be President, and I'd like to be the best President I can be? I think the public would appreciate that honesty.

Senator Rick Santorum: Well, I will be honest with you. I have six children ages 4-14. And the idea of coming off a race of the intensity that I am engaged in at this point and turning around and running another two year campaign for president is not something that I believe is in the best interest of my family, which I say in the book, and I believe in my heart it's my principal responsibility. I can't speak for other politicians but I can speak for me, and my intention is not to run in 2008.
There it is, friends.

Senator Man-on-Dog does not intend to run in 2008. If he did and he won, would that make him President Man-on-Dog?


Piltdown Man said...

Good Lord (oh, excuse my blasphemy!) Santorum wants the WH so bad he can taste it! He's been working toward this for years.

Candidates never fess up to the eternal "will he / won't he" question until it is politically advantageous to do so...which means you certainly don't do it when you're facing the toughest Senate race of your career...and are trailing badly in the polls...


Maria said...

Well, he did leave himself an out. He said his "intention is not to run." Sometimes things can go opposite the way that you intend, no? ;-)

David said...

You're, of course, correct. HOWEVER he's on record for now saying that he has no intention of running.

If he changes his mind, isn't that a flip-flop?

fester said...

I have to agree with the man of the bog: this is no big deal as everyone is not running or intending to run until they actually form the damn committeee --- hell look at Hillary Clinton's "Listening Tour" campaign in 2000 as she "contemplated" a run. This to me is merely a pro-forma statement that Santorum is expected to make. Nothing that we can read anything of value into.

Anonymous said...

You are a blast. Keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

It's time to buy Ricky those flip-flops.

Think he'll wear them in a G.W. Bush photo op?