Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 3, 2006


It was long past time that we updated our blogroll.

First, two local blogs have been removed because it's been more than six months since they've posted -- Freedom's Gate and Urban Democracy -- but we will happily add them back if they start blogging again.

We've added the following local blogs:
I Heart Pgh
Lou's List
MacYapper (John McIntire's blog)
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents
Tunesmith & Anthony

While I Heart Pgh and Tunesmith & Anthony aren't exactly political blogs, they do occasionally stray that way. And, T&A's "Pigeon Sniper Video Tribute" (May we never forget…) is must viewing!

We've also added the following non-local blogs:
Hullabaloo (Digby)
The Huffington Post
Think Progress

As always, blogs are added because someone here at 2pj reads them regularly.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi, i didn't know mcintire had a blog, thanks, i bookmarked it. i also e mailed kdka and told them i was pleased they gave him a slot. i figured if i wrote them when i was unhappy( can we say"honsberger?") i should write when i'm pleased with the station as well. i already read the others but mcintire's was news to me. thanks again. : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding us! :)