July 20, 2007

Republican Filibusters

The headline to this McClatchy article reads:
Senate tied in knots by filibusters
Here's how it begins:

This year Senate Republicans are threatening filibusters to block more legislation than ever before, a pattern that's rooted in — and could increase — the pettiness and dysfunction in Congress.

The trend has been evolving for 30 years. The reasons behind it are too complex to pin on one party. But it has been especially pronounced since the Democrats' razor-thin win in last year's election, giving them effectively a 51-49 Senate majority, and the Republicans' exile to the minority.

Before someone charges in, reminding everyone of the many "Democrat filibusters" when the Republicans ran the Senate, here's something to gnaw on:
Nearly 1 in 6 roll-call votes in the Senate this year have been cloture votes. If this pace of blocking legislation continues, this 110th Congress will be on track to roughly triple the previous record number of cloture votes — 58 each in the two Congresses from 1999-2002, according to the Senate Historical Office. [emphasis added]
Triple. Not match. Not double. But triple.

Republican filibuster.

Get used to it.


Anonymous said...

This is David DeAngelo's way of going, "Whaaa! Whaaa! Whaaa! Whaaa!"

David, you're such a freaking hypocrite. You actually justify what the Democrats did. Hey, the Democrats did it, that's the way it is Mr. Palsy.

Still no comment on the Fairness Doctrine, eh David?

You do realize that you'll have to give conservatives "fair and equal" time when you fill in for Lynn Cullen's liberal talk radio show; you do know that, right?

Anonymous said...


And just what did the Democrats do?

Enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, are you really that dense? I was speaking of the countless number of times the Democrats would fillibuster. Look at how David justifys it....


Anonymous said...


Did you even read the posting??

If this pace of blocking legislation continues, this 110th Congress will be on track to roughly triple the previous record number of cloture votes

I know this might be difficult, so I'll try to make it easy for you. This means that the Republicans are at a pace to do it THREE TIMES MORE than the democrats.

Anonymous said...

You Democrats can't stand it. When the Repubicans filibuster all we get from Sen. Reid is a loud whine. When corrupt local Democrat office holders get busted all we get is another whine.
You Democrats are playing true to form. The law works only for you and is primarily just a hammer to be used to pound Republicans. When it is equally applied all we get is a tears. Go try to inact the fairness dcotrine because with Harry Reid in charge all you got is whining to momma that it's not fair. You lose.

Anonymous said...

And now Anon and our resident whiner, Master Lie, whine about whining. Next they will whine about my whining about their whining about Democrats' whining.

The irony that eminates from the Reactionaries on this blog is sufficiently thick to be cut with a chainsaw and sufficently dense to require one.

Anonymous said...

Shitrock is afraid to talk about the Fairness Doctrine, and so is David DeAngelo, and Maria, Shitrock, and every other liberal on here.

All Shitrock can do is once again, demonstrate his capability to personally attack when he has no answer for the subject at hand.

So Shitrock, isn't it interesting that the Fairness Doctrine is being brought up because conservative talk radio is so popular? I say that based solely on what people like Maurice Hinchey, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the "gang" has said.

You cannot admit that these people want to take away the 1st Amendment Rights of Conservative talk radio.

What's next? Enacting legislation that would silence conservative blogs? With liberal Democrats, one never knows how far they'll go.

Anonymous said...

I really want to have the fairness doctrine back. It would help my inner demons and my bi-polar disorder, I am so sorry to take my Jekyll and Hyde problems out on you nice democratic people.
Pray for me.

David said...

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Question: How do you know that Our Troll's lost an arguement?

Answer: He changes the subject.

Case in point: This blog post was about REPUBLICAN FILIBUSTERING and look how hard he's trying to change the subject into the "Fairness Doctrine" - something we've never (as far as I know) written about here at 2PJ.

If you did a google search (here, I did it for you) you'll see that the only time it's been brought up at this blog is when one of the trolls brings it up.

Be sure to take a look at the October 30 blog posting. Our troll looks particularly foolish there - especially when he accuses me of making up the well-documented (and very creepy) Santorum-dead baby story.

It's looking to be a sunny day. I'm going outside!

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion for you, Master Lie. Why don't you hold a debate about the Fairness Doctrine (which by the way was introduced during a Republican admininstration), the Clinton Murders, and the Martian Invasion on YOUR blog? You can enjoy debating yourself just as much there as you do here!

Anonymous said...

No one comments on my blog.
It's lonely over there.
Be my friend..........

Anonymous said...

"Case in point: This blog post was about REPUBLICAN FILIBUSTERING and look how hard he's trying to change the subject into the "Fairness Doctrine" - something we've never (as far as I know) written about here at 2PJ."

Gee, and I wonder why David DeAngelo is AFRAID to go there when it comes to writing about the Fairness Doctrine.

And John Shitrock, you'll full of crap. Maurice Hinchey D-NY is the one who wants it back. You look it up, Pal.

Gee, David DeAngelo, why won't you talk about the Fairness Doctrine. And yes, I did "change the subject" because it's the only way I can get you to "talk" about the things which I have noticed you like to avoid. Bringing it up via your comments is the only way to get you to say anything....otherwise, you'd say nothing about the Fairness Doctrine as you continue to demonstrate.

I think you're a chicken to bring it up, and furthermore, I think you know the real reason as to why the liberal Democrats want it back.

Put that so called Press Pass you have in your possession to good use.

And John Shitrock, at least I have a blog of my own....I don't see you with one of your own, hence why you hang out on here. Man, you've got a lot of balls to sit there and talk about stuff like that.

And finally, Mr. Shitrock, if David DeAngelo were to come to a sudden halt, your nose would be stuck half way up his butt.

Really, you don't have a blog of your own because? And you're harping on me about that? Please.

Anonymous said...

"Case in point: This blog post was about REPUBLICAN FILIBUSTERING and look how hard he's trying to change the subject into the "Fairness Doctrine" - something we've never (as far as I know) written about here at 2PJ."

Gee, and I wonder why David DeAngelo is AFRAID to go there when it comes to writing about the Fairness Doctrine.

And John Shitrock, you'll full of crap. Maurice Hinchey D-NY is the one who wants it back. You look it up, Pal.

Gee, David DeAngelo, why won't you talk about the Fairness Doctrine. And yes, I did "change the subject" because it's the only way I can get you to "talk" about the things which I have noticed you like to avoid. Bringing it up via your comments is the only way to get you to say anything....otherwise, you'd say nothing about the Fairness Doctrine as you continue to demonstrate.

I think you're a chicken to bring it up, and furthermore, I think you know the real reason as to why the liberal Democrats want it back.

Put that so called Press Pass you have in your possession to good use.

And John Shitrock, at least I have a blog of my own....I don't see you with one of your own, hence why you hang out on here. Man, you've got a lot of balls to sit there and talk about stuff like that.

And finally, Mr. Shitrock, if David DeAngelo were to come to a sudden halt, your nose would be stuck half way up his butt.

Really, you don't have a blog of your own because? And you're harping on me about that? Please.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize D-L has his own blog. But why. It doesn't appear anyones reads it or at least they don't feel it's worthy of any comment. Nowhere on his sight is a comment not one, zero, nada, zilch. Just about everyone of his entries is taken from the Nat'l Review or right wing think tanks. Hell if you have a subscription to one of these rags cancel it go to D-L's blog save yourself some money. I can see now why D-L hates mankind, he feels belittled, a follower not a leader. He goes on little tangents on this blog, makes him feel manly I guess. Such a poor little soul. I feel sorry for you. I'll pray for you tonite.

Anonymous said...

First, Master Lie, I want to invite you to refer to me by the moniker you were so kind to give me. Namely, Schmuck. All my Pals call me Schmuck now.

Second, Amigo, do you get the impression that nobody around here cares about the Fairness Doctrine except you? No? Well, please do.

Third, Trusty Sidekick, if I do get my own blog, will you come and make a fool of yourself there, too? It might be worth it for me.

Fourth, Compadre, you used that infantile thing about Dayvoe's ass and my nose before. Get some new material, would ya? Otherwise, how can you expect us to come up with new ways to humiliate you?

Fifth, Youthful Chum, Maurice Hinchey? Really? No! C'mon! Your Big New Thing is to raise the alarm about some nebbish called Maurice Hinchey? Some guy from New York named Maurice Hinchey has you all in a lather? It's getting pretty hard not to laugh...I'm trying not to laugh...I think I'm gonna laugh...bwah...ha...ha-ho-ho-ho. Sorry. Couldn't help it. Can't you just hear Bill O'Reilly now, "When we come back to the No Spin Zone, how Schliffey Hummidinger is waging his war on Christmas! Then more on the most dangerous threat to American civil liberties ever, Maurice Hinchey, and the pre-adolescent boy who intends to save America from the Maurice Hinchey peril!"

Sixth, Mon Frere, you are correct. I do have a lot of balls. I collect them. If you ever want to see yours, I'll show it to you hanging on my wall.
Well, not hanging, exactly. And not on my wall. I had it in a contact-lens container -- the one for the right eye -- but it got lost in there. I might have accidentally swept it up while dusting. Sorry. But what the hell. You were never going to use it anyway.

Seventh, My Amusing Good Buddy...nah... I'm not going to waste seven paragraphs on you on Saturday night. I have to floss my teeth.

Enjoy your weekend, Matey!

Anonymous said...

Mr Schmuck,
Thanks for fighting with me. I don't get alot of interaction with people since my Mom won't let me go to the Special Olympics anymore (shhh don't tell anyone: it's a tool of the devil Kennedy family).
As for my old right nut, thanks for taking it. I am much faster on our Huffy now that he's gone. Just ask Lance Armstrong about the one ball aerodynamics of biking, it's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I am the REAL Braden's Left Nut and I resent the impostor who has been posting here and besmirching my good name. I shall seek an injunction to prevent any further chicanery of this sort. If the law fails to provide adequate satisfaction, I shall insist on pistols at 10 inches.

David said...

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Braden's ESP must be on the blink. He's ascertained that I'm somehow "afraid" of talking about the fairness doctrine.

He's come to this conclusion with no evidence other than that I haven't talked about it.

Well let's be honest, he's certainly not the first wingnut to "establish" something as "true" with no evidence (cough, WMD, cough, Iraq's links to al-Qaeda, cough cough).

Fact of the matter is, I haven't written about the fairness doctrine because I haven't written about the fairness doctrine.

I am flattered that a wingnut as wingnutty as Braden is so interested in my opinion of things.

I must be doing something right to be pissing off such a nut case.

I just hope he's not armed.

Anonymous said...

"Well let's be honest, he's certainly not the first wingnut to "establish" something as "true" with no evidence (cough, WMD, cough, Iraq's links to al-Qaeda, cough cough)."


Tsk Tsk, David.

Funny, everyone personally attacks on here when they would rather avoid talking about something. You all remind me of Harry Reid.

Anonymous said...

You all remind me of Harry Reid.

Thanks, Master Lie! And you remind us of Hairy Asshole!

Anonymous said...

We do not have a hairy butt hole down here in Braden's lonely pants.
Puberty passed us by and alas no hair down here.
My neighbor, Braden's butt hole is smelly and gross but completely hairless. Maybe someday we will become a man. I am hopeful.
And don't worry about weapons, the only one Mom let's us have is a cap gun.

Anonymous said...

"Thanks, Master Lie! And you remind us of Hairy Asshole!"

And I said something like to you Mr. John, you'd sit in your comfy chair and would accuse me of personal attacks or some other nonsense.

Whatever, I really don't care.

However, this just demonstrates the liberal mentality of "Do as I say, but not as I do."

And furthermore, none of you jackasses have the guts to bring up the Fairness Doctrine, hence your personal attacks. Just ignore the facts, turn your blind eyes and deaf ears, because to liberals like yourselves, the truth matters not.

What matters if the political agenda of the left, and they'll do anything to get there, the liberal interest in the Fairness Doctrine demonstrates that very fact.

You people are pathetic.

And Shitrock, is that the best you can do? Is personally attacking those who you don't agree with politically how you debate?

You're an even worse hypocrite than David DeAngelo.

Anonymous said...

Forgive Braden's angry empty soul, we didn't have enough human contact as a child.
I for one will always be one of David's minions.
Thank you David DeAngelo, you are a better American than all of us.

Anonymous said...

Braden Parker;

Feel free to bring up and discuss the Fairness Doctrine at your blog - a blog that no one visits, by the way.

Anonymous said...

And Shitrock, is that the best you can do? Is personally attacking those who you don't agree with politically how you debate?
Yes, Master Lie, that's the best I can do. The question you might want to ask yourself is why you keep coming back for more. Could it be.....Satan?