October 12, 2007

Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize :-)

From cnn.com:

(CNN) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their work raising awareness about global warming.

The Nobel committee cited them "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

The IPCC and Gore will each receive a gold medal, a diploma and a share of $1.5 million. The award ceremony will be held December 10 in Oslo, Norway.


The Nobel committee praised Gore as being "one of the world's leading environmentalist politicians."He is probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted," said Mjoes.
Gore gets to add this new award to his two Oscars and an Emmy won earlier this year.

In unrelated news, pResident George W. Bush won the award for Worst President EVER and picked up a Worst Performance in a War. He adds that to his winning the scorn of 70% of the American public and 99.9% of the rest of the world.



Anonymous said...

John K. says: I agree, that winning of the Nobel Peace Prize by Gore makes me laugh also.

David said...

It should be fun watching the residents of wingnuttia (John K, Braden, Heir to the Throne included) try to discredit Gore after this.

It should be fun watching Mike Pintek continue to call global warming a "hoax" after this.

Can't frickin wait.

Anonymous said...

Predictions concerning Al Gore's well-deserved award:

-- This event will generate enough political energy to push Wingnuttia past escape velocity and launch it into solar orbit.

-- Bill O'Reilly, whose head already had a rotational velocity exceeding the speed of sound, will most likely explode, scattering his component bits of scum.

-- Rush will need several additional bottles of oxycontin each hour ("Hey, I'm a big guy").

-- The level of Ann Coulter's hatred will heat the atmosphere to the point that the Crawford Ranch will burst spontaneously into flame.

Remember, you heard these daring prognostications first from Schmuckgali the Magnificent.

Anonymous said...

Wow...you actually think that the Nobel prize means the Gore work of fiction is actually credible? You make me laugh. It just goes to show that the Nobel prize has turned into the Emmy's.

Anonymous said...

Right. And the Folies-Bergère
features a religious service.

(It surprises me that it took this long for my 7:46 am prediction to start coming true.)

Anonymous said...

John K. says: OH OH this award does not sit well with Bubba (Bill) Clinton or his wife, Mrs Bill Clinton LOL LOL. No one is aloud to receive an award of this type without first offering it to Bubba to either accept or turn down. What are you left wing kooks going to do now. LOL LOL Hey this post and the other one (about the Cullen Show) shows how much I enjoy mocking you lefties. And you make it so easy. LOL

Anonymous said...

One would expect a person who can't even spell to attempt (attempt, I repeat) to ridicule (that means "make fun of," John) a United States Senator, a President of the United States, and a Nobel Prize winner.

Tomorrow, John will further entertain us by challenging a Mack truck to a head-butting contest. You are a treasure, John.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Gore.

Anonymous said...

You should see Sean Hannity trying to discredit Gore for his work...they are showing a speech in 03' where Gore was very passionate against the Bush and Cheny administration...also showed Gore getting off a private plane saying he isn't the env. nut he thinks he is.

The Congressman who was on during this talk said that if Gore rode his bike across the country Hannity would be calling him a nut instead of praising him.