October 12, 2007

I'll be hosting for Lynn Cullen today

Lynn's off today so I'll be hosting the show in her place.

AM NewsTalk 1360 (click here to listen online)
Friday, October 12, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
PLEASE Call in at: 412-333-1360

Regular Friday guest, Jon Delano, will join me along with Bram Reichbaum for The Burgh Report and Sue Kerr for The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society.


David said...

You'll be great!

Maria said...


I'm here in the studio now.

Don't forget to call into the show, folks!

Sherry Pasquarello said...

still home, still listening.

great job maria!

Schultz said...

Sorry if it was difficult to understand me when I called in, I've been sick all week. I'm not sure why Delano is so pessimistic about DeSantis's chances. I don't know of many staunch Ravenstahl supporters, do you?

This is a real race and people are pissed off at the mayor, yet Delano thinks that Ravenstahl could still win in a landslide???

David said...

I'm listening on-line in Worcester, MA.

You sound GREAT.

Thanks for the shout-out.

From the "Political Junkie" who DOESN'T use bad words.


Anonymous said...

I've been listening as I always listen to Lynn.

It seems to me that you and 1360 are really pushing for DeSantis. I can understand your distaste with Ravenstahl, but the pushing of DeSantis is a joke. I bet he'll be a 'uniter and not a divider.'

The Hot Metal Bridge is for sale! Wanna buy it?

Let's see...

DeSantis states that the tax structure of the city is bad for business. Why the hell did he locate HIS business in the city? He could maximize his profits by locating in the 'burbs. Why the heck does he even live in the city if it is so bad? Wasn't it the great Ronald Reagan or one of his shills that said 'people vote with their feet?' Why haven't we heard anything from DeSantis before he chose to run?

And this crap about taxes keeping business from locating within the city is just that. Crap. In various surveys of CEOs and company presidents about their criteria for where they locate, taxes comes in around 7th. It's the same old AmericanEnterpriseInstitute spin.

If taxes are the real issue about businesses locating in Pittsburgh then why is there 200 acres of riverfront land in Hazelwood that hasn't been developed? It's a KOZ. No state taxes, no city taxes, no county taxes, no school taxes for 10 years! Even the employees of businesses that locate within a KOZ don't have to pay taxes.

Do you have an answer?

I'm not a fan of Ravenstahl, but I'll put up with him for 4 years and wait for Peduto to come around. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

Anonymous said...

Ravenstahl won't be elected for 4 years. It will be until 2009 then there is another election.

Anonymous said...

only until '09! Even better.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi maria. you did a great job. so did your guests.

EdHeath said...

arch vixer, looking at this website, I don't see anything about Hazelwood, or federal and wage taxes. I can't answer about the 200 acres, but it does not appear to be a KOZ. Maybe someone applied for that status, maybe it is still in the process of waste cleanup. As for Mr DeSantis, you are saying he has no credibility because he located his business and residence in city limits? If he cared about taxes, he should vote with his feet, and leave the rest of us to sink? Maybe he cares about Pittsburgh, has that irrational attachment to his hometown. He seems to have split his life between public service and business. Now he is indulging the public service part of his life. I've spoken with him and he does not seem to be an ideologue, although my background in classical economics may blind me to his evil. But what he seems to be mostly is pretty rational, not attached to phrases (although I think he has some fondness for symbols, like halving the Mayor's staff). Have you read his proposed budget? Do you think the Mayor is doing anything more with our city debt than paying the minimum, or that the Mayor is doing anything to increase funding for the pension debt? Do you approve of the Mayor’s behavior, wouldn’t you rather have someone more mature in the office? Even if you think the Mayor’s going to win, why not vote for DeSantis, as a protest for the Mayor’s behavior?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ed. The Keystone Opportunity Zones have nothing to do with federal taxes. I appreciate the response because it prompted me to revisit the site. There are a few parcels in Hazelwood but the old LTV site is no longer one of them. Perhaps that is because it was purchased by a group of non-profit organizations.

I agree that 'waste' can sliced off the city budget but I'm not going to get on the DeSantis train because of that. I also appreciate DeSantis framed the budget and debt in easy to understand layman's terms by comparing it the minimum payment on a credit card. I personally don't carry any debt, however, if I were forced because of no personal fault of my own to borrow beyond my means, for example medical bills, I would.

Bottom line, and you can call me irrational. I don't trust DeSantis because he is a republican.

So go ahead, vote for DeSantis to send a message or because your conscious tells you. There are a bunch of Nader voters who did the same thing back in 2000.

Anonymous said...

Maria, congrats on making the most of your opportunity.

If I count correctly, you garnered at least 60% of Lynn's audience. As we have been told, she gets only 10 listeners, and there are 6 here that listened. (:^}

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Breaking News, AP wire: Guest host for the Cullen Show garners 15 viewers. They had 16 but one had to go beg on the street for meal money so they only counted 15!. Cullen Show given award by some lefty organization simply because she hates Bush as much as they do.