October 16, 2008

Found Objects

And if you think that's a fake, take a look at this.  It's from Reuters:
The text:
US Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) reacts to almost heading the wrong way off the stage after shaking hands with Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) at the conclusion of the final presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008.
That's all. I'll leave my comments to myself.


Maria said...

I guess McCain decided if he couldn't "whip" Obama's you-know-what he could at least make a grab for it...

Ohmygod, has there ever been a more pathetic run for office?

Maria said...

John K, et al:

Admit it: you WINCE when you see this.


cathcatz said...

the caption:

who's cool?

who drools?

John K. said...

John K: Why would I wince? The photos are fake. Just like your picture of Rove and Cheney. Typical liberals. If you can't find the truth to back yourself up, fake it.

John K. said...

John K: By the way can one of you lefties, I know you have his e-mail, tell Sen. Biden that 'jobs' is a four letter word not a three letter word as he said on the morning show. Sheeesh and you want him to be VP.

Maria said...

Oh please! So now Reuters is faking photos?

Is that what you're saying, Mr. Conspiracy?

cathcatz said...

did you watch? he absolutely did that at the end. i watched. i remember feeling embarrassed for him in that awkward display. why does it pain you to believe that it's real?

John K. said...

John K: Yep Reuters is faking photos. They have been this for a long time. Reuters faked photos of Israelis bombing Damascus. You lefties have fake photos on this website. But I am betting that some of you lefties are masturbating right now to these fake photos. LOL LOL LOL

John K. said...

John K: Remember left wing kooks. Even Hussein Obama said it himself. If it weren't for FOX and talk radio, he would be able to fake all kinds of stuff and be way ahead in the polls.

EdHeath said...

When did Barack Obama say that, or was that just something Rush Limbaugh said?

Anonymous said...

Poor John K. So delusional.

Hey, when you see those polls showing McCain losing, just tell yourself he's actually winning!

Keep your head in the sand, John!

Anonymous said...

BTW Joe the Plumber? He's not actually a licensed plumber.

And he's been a registered Republican since 1992.

And he owes back taxes.

It figures he was a fraud.

Maria said...

You forgot the part where he was connected to the Keating Five and he doesn't have the cash to buy a plumbing company in the first place!

David said...

So are BOTH photos faked?

Anonymous said...

"Why would I wince? The photos are fake. "

Captain Queeg, is that you?

John K. said...

John K: Ed, yesterday. Do you pay attention at all? This is getting boring Heath, your lack of knowledge. Get with it Homer.

John K. said...

John K: Not only are both photos faked Dayvoe but so is the comment, "Kill him" along with most of the other 'hate' rhetoric you have attributed to Republicans. Which makes you, Dayvoe, a liar. But don't let that stop you from publishing more fake photos and stories. I mean if it makes you feel better and keeps you off the streets.

John K. said...

John K: Jaywillie my, my, my. Joe the Plumber works for a plumbing company. In Ohio you are not required to be registered to be a plumber. Which is why the union thugs are all pissed off because they can't control him. Nor can they now blacklist him from a job. Too bad for you eh Jaywillie. Going to have to work harder to silence the guy.

John K. said...

John K: He owes back taxes. Well heck the liberal should love that. Most of them pay no taxes anyway. I actually know at least 5 of them. Try harder Jaywillie because you can't compete against my brain.

Anonymous said...

The pics are real. McCainw asn't sure which side to go off on to shake hands with the mod.

David said...

Being called a "liar" by John K is truly a surreal experience.

Here's the facts.

The AP DID report the "kill him" story. Take a look.

The Secret Service investigated and couldn't corroborate the story. Take a look.

Where was the dishonesty?

Again, being called a liar by John K is surreal.

David said...

I think the simple fact that John K insists that both photos (BOTH) at the top of this blog post are faked tells us everything we need to know about the mental processes of one John K.

Bram Reichbaum said...

Oh, these get better every time I look at them. He's like a combination between the villain from Dr. Strangelove and Michael Scott.

Anonymous said...

You have a brain, John K.?

When do you plan on using it?

BTW His name isn't even Joe - it's Sam!

And just to clarify for you, John K., because you're not man enough to own up to what has been shouted out at Palin rallies, we have the first "Kill him" shout documented by Dana Millbank. There are also multiple sources for all the other shouts we've heard, plus lots of video of Palin supporters shouting hate-speech as they enter rallies.

You can stick your head in the sand and ignore the world, John K., but that doesn't change reality.

You're a tiny, hateful man, John K., who belongs to a small-minded, hateful party, supporting a hateful, desperate, petty candidate.

If you want to know why you're going to lose on Nov. 4th, take a look in the mirror - you're a fruitcake.

Do you really think you're mainstream? Do you really think your fringe rightwing beliefs are shared by most of the country?

Keep dreaming, you loon.

John K. said...

John K: The facts are the AP reported a story that THEY failed to corroborate and you left wingers so filled with hate and willing to lie bought into it. Then when the truth comes out, as verfied by FOX news you blame me? LOL LOL LOL LOL Anymore lies you want to try to pass as truth. Oh yah the pictures. LMAO

John K. said...

John K: And then it gets better, Jaywillie is so invested in the lie he defends it. LMAO LOL LOL Hussein Obama has schooled you lefties well. Lie, tell more lies and then attack anyone challenging it. LMAO Do I know how your mind works Dayvoe or what? LOL

David said...

And this from the guy who STILL insists the pictures are faked.

'Nuff said.