December 19, 2008


As much as I miss the recent departure of local blogs like Teacher. Wordsmith. Madmen, The Burgh Blog (PittGirl), The Conversation, Pittsburgh Pist-Gazette and others, I really mourn for the loss of The Burgh Report.

When I wanted to read about local Pittsburgh politics it was my first stop, and my second and third . . .

I have no insight as to why they closed shop. I do know that The Burgher had to, at least, take a break and was looking for someone to cover for him/her, but the fact that the archive is now gone and that video final blog post leads one to believe that the anonymity of The Burgher may have been threatened.

But who knows? Not me.

All I know is that it is damn hard to keep up a blog consistently for years -- even a group blog like The Burgh Report.

And, Bram: You are forbidden from closing up shop.

I'm also glad that the Post-Gazette's Early Returns has stepped up their game.

Damn, this sucks.


EdHeath said...

I wonder if the PG will give the BR as big a send off as it did Chad and Peet Grrl.

John K. said...

John K: Can you whine a little louder. It just sounds so sweet. The blog Democrats lie has gone nowhere and is available to read at your pleasure. No whining allowed on that site.

David said...

For the record, Democrats-Lie is run by a former troll to this blog, Braden.

It's not surprising that John K knows of its existence as both he and Braden seem to share the same revulsion to facts, evidence, logic and reality.

John K. said...

John K: No Dayvoe, you can whine louder than that.

Anonymous said...

noooo :( Burghreport was my favorite pittsburgh blog, I don't know what I'm going to do...

John K. said...

John K: Cinclarinet, start reading Democrats lie. A blog that tells the truth. Or listen to Limbaugh and Beck and watch FOX news. Conservatives are fair and balanced.

Bram Reichbaum said...


I've figure I've got at least one more good year left in me.

It's great to read the gnashing of teeth and the rending of garments, because it is the end of an era. But it doesn't "suck", and I think history will show that. Blogs never start or end at the wrong time.

Maria said...


I'm actually the person who wrote this post.

And, it sucks for me.


Gloria said...

Sucks for me too.

Bram Reichbaum said...

Oops Maria -- careless me. Hey, are you going to be on Renaissance Radio with us on Monday?

John K. said...

John K: What? Maria and Bram are going on WMNY? LOL LOL LOL Does Cullen and McIntire know about this? You left wing hypocrites bad mouthed Morris when he took over the content and fired all the liberals and now you back him up. LOL LOL Oh the nashing of teeth and throwing of ashes in here when that happened. So now you get some air time and bam, principles go out the window. LMAO LMAO Maria and Bram should have made an appearance on the Kevin Miller show. LOL LOL

Bob said...

Dayvoe needs to take some time off.

Cutting out your comments may adversly affect this blog. Everyone knows JohnK's comments are ridiculous. (The idiot obviously has no love life.)

Take a look at your hit counter. It'll get less hits.

Happy Holidays!

Maria said...

"Hey, are you going to be on Renaissance Radio with us on Monday?"

Not that I know of.

Anonymous said...

Boo dayvoe, you let John K win.

Bram Reichbaum said...

Oops, careless me x2. At any rate, I remember an era where Dayvoe was the "national" junky and Marie kept things more "local". Might be a good opportunity to get back into that swing. Especially since you're still bravely taking comments. :)

Sue said...

I'm not sure that someone's anonymity can be threatened. There was no guarantee or agreement that people wouldn't try to figure out who s/he is. I think the era which is ending is the era of the anonymous blogger and maybe that isn't such a bad thing in terms of accountability.

I don't think cutting off comments is a good move, but I've only had a little taste of the nasty side of that and mostly from my own community so ...

It would be REALLY interesting to read about the blogs that are setting up shop.

Keep up the good work, David and Maria. You too, Bram.