April 10, 2009

From Conspiracy Theories To Cable News

When you feed teh crazie:

Don't be surprised when the fringe erupts violently.


FootBlogger said...

Right here in Pittsburgh we have Quinn and Rose, two of the biggest crack pots on the radio! Daily, they are feeding their audience these lies about the second amendment rights being taken away. Quinn is one of the biggest anarchists on the radio, so dangerous with his lies. And his side kick Rose who preaches from her pulpit that she's a good God fearing christian, but as a Christian she sure uses the word "HATE" when it comes to President Obama. Hypocrites, the both of them. I wrote Quinn an email after the shooting in Pittsburgh and told him how I felt about the "grape Kool-Aid" he was feeding his listeners. Of course it wasn't his fault that poplawski was a "whacko". Well Quinn, where do you think these "whacko's" come from? They are so simple, they listen to the likes of you, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh for their news instead of going to a real news channel. I'm all for free speech, but idiots like Quinn and Rose, the ever dangerous and insane Glenn Beck and the druggie Rush Limbaugh need to be silenced for everyones safety, who knows how many more policemen will die if these lunitics are left in front of an open mic?

David said...


I'd agree with most of what you're saying BUT I HAVE TO DRAW THE LINE WITH YOUR USE OF THE WORD "SILENCED."

The connotations with that word are too severe, too violent. How would you react if, for example, Bill O'Reilly were to say that Keith Olbermann "needs to be silenced"?

It's too close to being a physical threat and we'd be hypocritical if we were to denounce such stuff from the right and yet practice it ourselves.

No one should physicially intimidate. Not here. Not now.

FootBlogger said...


I'll agree with you "silenced" is too sever a word, because the total whack job Quinn is also preaching that president Obabma wants to silence the right. This would play into their hands. But if 'silencing" these fabricators of lies and untruths would save lives, is it still against anyones rights?

LazySusan said...

Ah, nothing like right wing hatred and made-up drivel... I just heard an episode of The Joan Kenley Show that ties into this - called The Media: What’s True, What’s Not, here's a clip from the introduction: "Our 24/7 media cycle is dominated by opinionated news pundits and an onslaught of celebrity or person-of-the-moment headlines. Do we create a false reality from false information? How do our reactions impact our lives – personally and collectively – from politics to war to the economy to and to our planet’s very survival?"