April 10, 2009

One lump or...?

These people have no clue.


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Will anyone be carrying “CASTRATE” banners?

David said...

Another non sequitur, HTTT.

If all you're going to do is to bring up the Duke rape case whenever anyone mentions ANYTHING on this blog, you're sure to loose more credibility than the usual conservative commenter here.

Maria said...

Especially since we never blogged about it.

Joshua said...

I apologize, I sorta brought it up. It was with the repost from Pandagon, whom I can no longer trust after doing what she did.

Dave said...

Even the dreaded "Liberal Media" covered this "huge" event

I notice two of the key speakers were Alan Keyes and Peg Luksik--two people who are just fine with "big government" when it means controlling the reproductive rights of women.

There are so many ironies associated with these "tea parties" it's hard to know where to start:

1. Like most wingnut events, the "tea parties" are more Astro-Turf than grassroots--having been pushed by Pajamas Media and Faux News.

2. The organizers have a terrible knowledge of history. The original Boston Tea Party was an act of civil disobedience in protest of taxation without representation--not taxation with representation the protesters didn't vote for.

3. Probably the biggest irony is that most of the attendees will be getting a tax cut under Obama's plan. So what the protest is really about are the people making more than $250,000 whining because the Bush tax cut on the top marginal tax rate will expire restoring the rate to a level well below what it was under the right wing's patron saint Ronald Reagan.