February 9, 2011

The New Civility

  • GOP Rep. Rehberg: Federal Judges Should Be ‘On The Endangered Species List’

  • Alabama State Senator Advises Politicians To ‘Empty The Clip’ To Stop Undocumented Immigrants
  • Of course none of this matters because words don't matter and even if they did matter, there are no right wing domestic terrorists -- only "crazies" -- and those crazies don't listen to violent right wing rhetoric and even if they do, it just doesn't matter because words don't matter.

    Glad that I cleared that up for everyone!



    Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

    I love when progressives link to Amynduh Marcotte as if she can provide any expert insights.
    Such as the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax.
    The prosecution in the Duke case fumbled the ball. The prosecutor was too eager to get a speedy case and make a name for himself. That is my final word.

    As for Civility
    Protester at Common Cause rally against the Koch Brothers called for the lynching of Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.

    David said...


    You should know by now that it's only when LIBERALS use such rhetoric is it ever uncivil. When Conservatives go there, they're just being straight-talkin' mavericks.

    Which is also why there can be no right wing terrorism. Whatever you think there is, it's ALWAYS good solid patriots who are selflessly defending the Amurika as it should be, as our founders founded.

    It's the guv'ment that's the terrorists - liberal guv'ments, of course. Guv'ments that want to steal our guns and erase Christianity and make sure we all can afford to see a doctor. THAT'S the real threat to our culture!

    I am surprised you don't already know this.

    David said...

    And I am surprised when conservatives link to ANYTHING with Breitbart's name on it.

    As if he has any credibility whatsoever.

    Ol' Froth said...

    Oh nos! Heir got us! Because we al;l know that what some unknown person at a rally says is EXACTLY THE SAME as calls to violence made by a sitting congressman and a state senator!

    Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

    Feel the same about the leftwing noise machine that you take as gospel.
    The Center for American Progress/Media Matters/Thinkprogress Moveon.org, TPM.

    David said...

    Ha - nice try.

    Show me where Talking Points Memo smeared someone as dishonestly as Breitbart smeared Shirley Sherrod.

    It wasn't even taking something out of context. It was editing a video to look exactly the opposite from what it was supposed to represent.

    Breitbart did that. He has no credibility and anyone relying on Breitbart also has no credibility.

    Pgh_Knight said...

    "You should know by now that it's only when LIBERALS use such rhetoric is it ever uncivil. When Conservatives go there, they're just being straight-talkin' mavericks."

    Pot.... meet kettle.

    Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

    Hey, did you know that Katrina ended the minute after the storm passed?

    Ol' Froth said...

    Shorter Heir:

    LOOK OVER HERE!!!!!!

    David said...


    That's not even a nice try.

    Show me in both cases how TPM ALTERED THE MEMO OR JINDAL'S WORDS.

    Show me how TPM edited that memo to make it look exactly the opposite from it looked originally. Show me how TPM edited Jindal's words to make it look exactly opposite from it did originally.

    THEN you can say they smeared someone as dishonestly as Breitbart smeared Sherrod.

    No credibility at all.