February 10, 2011

Palin Vs. Santorum!

Lil Ricky Santorum: [Speculating why Palin was not attending CPAC] “I have a feeling that she has some demands on her time, and a lot of them have financial benefit attached to them." “I’m not the mother to all these kids and I don’t have other responsibilities that she has.”

Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin: “I will not call him the knuckle-dragging Neanderthal that perhaps others would want to call him. I’ll let his wife call him that instead.” “I’m the proud mother of five children and my kids don’t hold me back from attending a conference.”

Oh, Ricky! It takes an awfully small man to make Palin be in the right on anything. You're the father to seven children, but apparently you don't let that cramp your style.

(More at The Note.)


David said...


Here's the flaw in your argument:

Lil Ricky's not criticizing a politician for attending the conference when that politician should be home attending the kids.

He's criticizing a mother.

Point out to him that he has seven kids and that that hasn't held him back would probably only elicit this response: That's what a wife's for.

You were making the silly assumption that Lil Ricky thinks men and women are equal.


Ol' Froth said...

What Dayvoe said.

JenEngland said...

I saw this yesterday and I'm with Maria. It is hard to believe I could be with Sarah on anything but this is one of the most sexist things I've heard come out of a politician's mouth in a while, and in the age of "forcible rape" legislation, that is saying something. He has SEVEN kids, but it never occurs to him to curtail his activities, because he's a man. Stupid stupid stupid. I might (MIGHT) agree that someone with 5 or 7 kids might want to think twice before entering a career that requires so much time away from home, but that would be true for a man or a woman.

Maria said...

Ricky's a mother...

Maria Lupinacci said...
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Maria Lupinacci said...

"...a bad mother...(Shut your mouth)"

Anonymous said...

Does Palin's response mean that she did have something that had "financial benefit" attached since she is denying that it was to spend time with her family?

Lil Ricky would have had a great quote had it just stopped there and not brought her "motherly responsibilities" into it.