September 25, 2014

Video Follow-Ups (Two Johns)

The nonsense non-science on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology gets a much deserved mocking by John Stewart:

It still amazes me that the GOP throws these science illiterates onto this committee.  This should embarrass any clear thinking conservative in the country.  They're political party's been abducted by some otherwise intelligent people who simply refuse to use their brains.

And a month or so ago, I took John Oliver to task for his take on the Gender Pay Gap.  He was wrong then, but he's completely and brilliantly right about the Miss America Pageant:

Completely right.

Enjoy your Thursday.


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

F them both with a baseball bat coated in nonskid.

Here is John's infallible scientific expert who we follow blindly because SCIENCE!
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet.

What scientific advancements are based on string theory, the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution?

Only answer I got from a progressive was all modern modern medicine and agriculture.
Do you believe that if so please explain how open heart surgery is based on them?

Peace Out
Call your member of Congress tell them to Support the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights.

David said...

Wow - you start with a sexual assault and then you move up to mere dishonesty As Holdren's on record as saying he NEVER said that about forced abortions, that IS more evidence that you, HTTT, never check your facts.

And then you ask a meaningless question.

Even for you this is goofy.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

As Holdren's on record as saying he NEVER said that about forced abortions
He wrote it in his book. Progressives try to minimize it with he was just proposing alternative solutions "and taken out of context and are being misrepresented."

you ask a meaningless question
Progressives who claim to be pro-science tell Christians that if they believe in string theory, the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution they should not use the benefits of SCIENCE like computers, the internet or cars. I want them to prove those things are based on string theory, the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution.