October 19, 2017

There is Something Seriously Wrong With Donald Trump

Just as there's something just as seriously wrong with his enablers in Congress:
Republicans are waiting to pass their tax-reform bill before they move to impeach Donald Trump, a former Republican member of Congress reportedly told a former US labour secretary.

In a Facebook post, Robert Reich said the former senator, an old friend of his, told him Republicans are "just praying Trump doesn't do something really, really stupid before the tax bill."
Shame on them. And shame on everyone who supports them.


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Fiction from the Robert Reich claimed the Berkley Antifa that attacked Trump supporters were a false flag operation.

David said...

Look!! Over there! There's something else that I need for you to look at!

Look at something OTHER than Trump's latest indecency! Please!!!

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

You quoted Robert Reich. I am pointing out he is not the most accurate of sources.

David said...

And yet you use a BREITBART link to support it.

You do see the irony of that, don't you?

No, I suppose you wouldn't.