February 11, 2018

Toomey Time Round-Up! (Part The Fourth)

So far, I've written 47 letters to Pennsylvania's junior senator, Pat Toomey.  The first round up of letters can be found here. The second, here. The third, here.
Today, it's time for a fourth.

Of letters 33 through 47, Senator Toomey has responded to 5:
Good for him. He really should do a better job, however, of  meeting with his constituents.  All of them.

So here are the questions between 33 and 47 that Senator Toomey has yet to answer:
  • 34th letter - In this letter I ask Toomey if his position that the investigation into possible Russian collusion in the 2016 election were "overblown" has changed, given the then-recent charges filed against Paul Manafort and the guilty plea of George Papadapolous.
  • 35th letter - This letter was sent almost exactly a year after election day, 2016. I ask Toomey if he still would have voted for Donald Trump had he known the scandals which followed Trump's election. I ask him if he still would have voted for Trump, to explain why.
  • 37th letter - This is the Thanksgiving letter where I point out the things I'm thankful for (a healthy respect for the rule of law, equal protection under the law, etc) and I ask Toomey what he's thankful for.
  • 41st letter -  In this letter I ask Toomey what he'd do if Trump were to fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller.
  • 42nd letter - In this letter I ask Toomey if he still supports the presidency of Donald Trump given Trump's many many misstatements and other distortions of the truth.
  • 43rd letter - In this letter I ask Toomey (in essence) if he agreed with Donald Trump's assault on the First Amendment, given Trump's attempts to stop the publication of the book "Fire and Fury".
  • 44th letter - In this letter I ask Toomey if he thought it acceptable behavior for Trump to "casually go about his day" while millions of Hawaiians thought they only had a few hours to live.
  • 45th letter - This letter's about the pornstar. I ask Toomey how, given his solid standing among the nation's social conservatives, would he still have voted for Trump had he known that Trump had unprotected sex with a woman who wasn't his wife (and then had her paid off to secure her secrecy).
  • 46th letter - This letter is follow up, of sorts, to the 41st letter. I ask Toomey, since we already know that Trump did attempt to fire Robert Mueller, if would support legislation to protect the Special Prosecutor.
  • 47th letter - In this letter I ask Toomey, given how Trump has defined "not applauding during a State of the Union Address" as both Un-American and treasonous, if he, Toomey, still supports the presidency of Donald Trump.
These are the unanswered questions in this Volume of Toomey Open Letters.


  1. "In this letter I ask Toomey if his position that the investigation into possible Russian collusion in the 2016 election were "overblown" has changed, given the then-recent charges filed against Paul Manafort and the guilty plea of George Papadapolous."
    Has Dayvoe position that the investigation into possible Russian collusion in the 2016 election will result in the impeachment of Donald Trump changed given the Steele Dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant was Oppo research from Clinton Hatchet Men Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.

  2. "Despite rhetoric that could help to undermine Mueller’s investigation, the Nunes memo specifically says that George Papadopoulos sparked the counterintelligence investigation that ultimately led to the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and the appointment of Mueller as special counsel."


    C'mon Heir. That was a softball. And here's a whataboutism for ya!

    "Even if the controversial Steele dossier and the FISA surveillance of Page had sparked the special counsel’s inquiry, this would not be the first time that politically motivated information led to a special counsel investigation. Conservative businessman Richard Mellon Scaife gave $2 million to the American Spectator in the early 1990s to investigate President Bill Clinton’s real estate investments and sexual harassment claims against him. Information from the reporting Scaife funded led in part the appointment of Kenneth Starr to investigate Clinton."

  3. "counterintelligence investigation that ultimately led to the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and the appointment of Mueller as special counsel."
    I would like to see the logic behind that statement.
    The counterintelligence investigation showed that Flynn lied to the VP?
    The counterintelligence investigation showed that James Comey was a incompetent Clinton defender?

    They should have named a new special counsel for Bill Clinton's perjury.
