July 11, 2017

My TWENTIETH Open Letter To Senator Pat Toomey

[NOTE: I skipped last week's "Open Letter To Senator Toomey" because it was July 4.]

I'll be dropping this letter to Senator Pat Toomey in the mail today:
Dear Senator Toomey:

It's me, again. Your constituent who also writes for the local Pittsburgh-based political blog, "2 Political Junkies."

Senator, this week you sent out to your constituents another defense of your Health Care replacement bill. In light of that I'd like to hear your response to Bishop David Zubik's statement regarding that legislation. He wrote:
On behalf of those whose voices may not be heard at this critical time, those living in poverty, in nursing homes and with disabilities, I urge our senators to remove from the proposed Senate health care bill provisions that will severely limit health care access for those most in need.

Access to health care is a basic human right.
Unfortunately, the Senate's proposed health care legislation is morally unacceptable, as it greatly reduces Medicaid coverage, making comprehensive, quality health care inaccessible to millions who cannot afford to purchase coverage.
I'd like you to comment on Bishop Zubik's statement that "health care is a basic human right" and that the legislation you wrote is "morally unacceptable."

I await your response.
And I will be posting whatever response I get from him or his office.


1 comment:

  1. A dark day for Police. Congress should focus on LEBOR to protect the privacy of the Law Enforcement caste.
