June 20, 2017

My EIGHTEENTH Open Letter To Senator Pat Toomey

I'll be dropping this letter to Senator Pat Toomey in the mail today:
Dear Senator Toomey:

It's me, again. Your constituent who also writes for the local Pittsburgh-based political blog, "2 Political Junkies."

I need to ask you again about the GOP's plans to appeal and replace Obamacare. Last week, I asked you why we, your constituents (and members of the American public), couldn't see the draft of the replacement you're working on. It seems that you and your party are planning on sliding it in for a vote with little or no public discussion.

This week, however, I'd like to draw your attention to some recent poll data by Kaiser Health. When they asked in May 2017, "As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it?" 49% of those polled (if I am reading it correctly) said they approved of the ACA with 42% opposed. Those numbers are more or less in line with the current (June 2017) data at Real Clear Politics.

Given that the public approves of Obamacare more than it opposes it, I'll ask it again, why are you drafting its replacement in secret?

I await your response.
And I will be posting whatever response I get from him or his office.



Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Dear Senator Toomey:
Please pass the Obamacare repeal for Rep. Steve Scalise.
Steve who is fighting for his life from a cowardly left wing extremist terrorist attack.
For Steve!, will you stand up and keep fighting against Obama's overreach.
For Steve!, will you stand up and keep fighting against Abortion.
For Steve!, will you stand up and keep fighting against Gun Control.
For Steve!, will you stand up and keep fighting against Gay Marriage.
We have to stand up. We are going to stand up together, and we’re going to organize! We’re going to organize! We’re going to organize! We’re going to organize! We’re going to organize! We’re going to organize!
For Steve!
For Steve!
For Steve!
For Steve!


David said...

I guess our troll doesn't believe in freedom or equality.

And I'm pretty sure "Obama's overreach" is a politically meaningless term, since, y'know, he's no longer President and all.

But why let simple things like logic and chronology cloud a fevered troll rant?

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

"I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."

More Obama's overreach.
Catherine Lhamon “Dear Colleague” letter where she made the Law for Title IX .
Obama kept her with a 6 year appointment.

Ol' Froth said...