September 5, 2018

My SEVENTY-SEVENTH Open Letter To Senator Pat Toomey

I'll be dropping this letter to Senator Pat Toomey in the mail today:
Dear Senator Toomey:

It's me, again - the constituent who writes for the local Pittsburgh-based political blog, "2 Political Junkies."

The Kavanaugh hearings started yesterday. The Hill reported that the White House, asserting executive privilege, withheld about 100,000 documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee from Kavanaugh's time in the Bush Administration.

Is this OK with you? I am guessing you're OK with it as you haven't said otherwise. And before you answer, let the question play out with the identities of the political parties switched: If a democratic administration withheld 100,000 documents that the Republicans (on a Judiciary Committee committee controlled by the democrats) wanted to see in order to fully investigate a liberal Supreme Court nominee.

Would that be OK with you? If not, then why is it OK with you now?

Thank you and I await your response.
And I will be posting whatever response I get from him or his office.


1 comment:

  1. "If a democratic administration withheld 100,000 documents that the Republicans (on a Judiciary Committee committee controlled by the democrats) wanted to see in order to fully investigate a liberal Supreme Court nominee."

    There is no chance that any Democrat will vote for Kavanaugh.

    The Obama White House, asserting executive privilege, withheld 1,000s of documents from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Fast and Furious Gunwalking.

    Trump should release all of those Fast and Furious and IRS targeting of Tea Party groups documents.

    I am guessing Trump is keeping them as “an insurance policy” if he is impeached or indicted.
